01Research 600+ million parts with real-time Market Intelligence
In addition to providing one of the largest electronic component libraries in the world, XQ offers market insights derived from the signals generated by a community of over 10 million Engineering and Procurement professionals. Features include:
Advanced search capabilities.
Part detail with parametrics, datasheets and technical documents, CAD models, and packaging.
Regulatory compliance: RoHS, REACH, WEEE & Conflict Minerals.
Real time distributor inventory and pricing.
Lifecycle status and obsolescence notices.
Certified cross references.
Risk insights that take into consideration lifecycle, price and stock volatility, part popularity shifts, single-source risks, etc.
02Process customer BOMs to arrive at orderable part numbers
Utilizing machine learning and the parametric attributes of our extensive library, XQ is able to import part lists and product BOMs, validate their content, and accurately suggest active, Orderable Part Number matches. These entries can include complete or partial part numbers, family entries, and component descriptions. Parts suggested by the system can also be filtered based on your specific approved manufacturers (AML).
03Integrate your Enterprise data to facilitate information review
Necessary for BOM analysis is the creation of a singular view of all available data points for a component, both from internal sources (part master, quote history, contract pricing, etc.), and from external data, such as the part detail and market intelligence provided by XQ.
XQ retrieves and normalizes all available sources of information for the parts in your BOM and presents them in an organized manner that facilitates review and analysis by different teams within the company. XQ can pull information from any ERP or Legacy systems that can export information or provides an API.
04Analyze BOMs to optimize profit and supply risk
XQ comes with costing preferences and trade-off analysis tools that consider a variety of configurable commercial criteria to determine the optimal component, vendor, and allocation choices for a BOM. Depending on those preferences, the system can also offer pin-to-pin alternatives that can improve profitability or reduce the risk of supply inconsistencies down the road. Each set of choices can be compared to yield an optimal cost and sourcing plan.
05Enable cross-functional team collaborations that drive efficiency
XQ brings organizations together through the use of collaborative BOM worksheets, or “BOM Views.” Each worksheet displays information, filters, and actions that are specific to the BOM processing needs of specific functions within the organization, such as Engineering or Purchasing. Worksheets can be edited simultaneously by the team members that are invited to edit them, allowing for shared decision making and faster review. Workflows and notifications can be configured to synchronize team members and move tasks along towards completion.
06Source your entire BOMs directly from XQ
XQ is seamlessly connected to bom2buy.com, a global marketplace for sourcing components from the world's top distributors and manufacturers. Users can add components suggested in XQ to an embedded shopping cart and source those components through a single transaction. The system then follows the order fulfillment process and provides updates to the user at every stage of the way.
07Manage your BOMs in one place and monitor your team’s activity
XQ provides the organization with a big picture view of all the BOMs being worked on by the various members of the team along with their overall completion progress. It also provides metrics that inform managers on what is taking longer than it needs to, and where people should focus in order to streamline workload.